Jolin Tsai – OH LA LA LA Lyrics English Translation

Stream Jolin Tsai – OH LA LA LA (Theme Song from “McDonald’s 40th Anniversary”)

蔡依林〈OH LA LA LA〉歌詞英文翻譯
Jolin Tsai 〈OH LA LA LA〉 Lyrics English Translation

Oh La La La La
Oh La La La La La La
Oh La La La La
Oh La La La

嘮叨像火烤 燒紅的情緒拉警報
Babbling like a fired-up grill, emotions on fire triggering the alarm

在搖搖欲墜 逆來順受的城堡
in a shaky castle where we go with the flow

Happiness means a full belly

生活的壓力 失速的步調
Life’s stress, rhythm in disarray

差點快忘記 快樂的味道
almost forgot the taste of joy.

酸甜苦辣 把味覺都塞爆
Sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy, bombarding the taste buds,

sometimes, simple is best.

Oh La La La La
Oh La La La La La La
Oh La La La La
Oh La La La
Oh La La La La
Oh La La La La La La


My God!這樣的滋味真好
My God! It’s feeling incredible

燭光晚餐 拜託先不要
Candlelit dinner? Hold on

不如陪我 散個步到樓下轉角
How about a walk to the corner downstairs

我要的幸福 確定而微小
The happiness I seek is clear yet subtle

要的不多 知足常樂活得比較老
I ask for little; living contentedly and more carefree

生活的壓力 失速的步調
Life’s stress, rhythm in disarray

差點快忘記 快樂的味道
almost forgot the taste of joy.

喜怒哀樂 把情緒都灌爆
Joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness, bombarding the emotions

sometimes, simple is best.

Oh La La La La
Oh La La La La La La
Oh La La La La
Oh La La La
Oh La La La La
Oh La La La La La La


My God!這樣的滋味真好
My God! It’s feeling incredible

Oh La La La La
Oh La La La La La La
Oh La La La La
Oh La La La
Oh La La La La
Oh La La La La La La


Isn’t simple happiness great?

It’s the time

Get in-to the vibe and give(it) a shot!

快樂不用燒腦 簡單不等於渺小
Happiness doesn’t need overthinking. Simple doesn’t mean insignificant.

我們太習慣 簡單的事用複雜思考
We’re so used to overthinking simple things.

Just find a simple way

I can make you a happier day

Don’t push me now

Cause all I want to grab a bite!

幸福沒有座標 要靠自己去尋找
Happiness has no coordinates; you have to find it yourself.

別再讓選擇障礙 耽誤快樂的步調
Don’t let indecision disrupt the rhythm of happiness.

You need a simple way

Simplicity is more in tune.

生活的壓力 失速的步調
Life’s stress, rhythm in disarray

差點快忘記 快樂的味道
almost forgot the taste of joy.

酸甜苦辣 把味覺都塞爆
Sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy, bombarding the taste buds,

sometimes, simple is best.

Oh La La La La
Oh La La La La La La
Oh La La La La
Oh La La La
Oh La La La La
Oh La La La La La La


My God!這樣的滋味真好
My God! It’s feeling incredible

Oh La La La La
Oh La La La La La La
Oh La La La La
Oh La La La
Oh La La La La
Oh La La La La La La


Isn’t simple happiness great?

Ba Da Ba Ba Ba
i’m lovin’ it

Song & Lyrics by:蔡依林 Jolin Tsai / Richard Craker / Presto’C / Wendy 溫小孚

Jolin Tsai – Someday, Somewhere Lyrics English Translation

Jolin Tsai – Someday, Somewhere (Netflix series 此時此刻 At The Moment theme song) IS OUT!!

Jolin Tsai’s new single, 〈Someday, Somewhere〉 is the theme song for the new Netflix series, 〈此時此刻 At The Moment〉.

蔡依林〈Someday, Somewhere〉歌詞英文翻譯
Jolin Tsai 〈Someday, Somewhere〉 Lyrics English Translation

Someday, somewhere


A cold heart like the deep blue ocean

Someday, somewhere

不再獨自流淚 孤單

No longer shedding tears alone, lonely

我想要 最好的愛情
I want the best kind of love

哪怕是 虛構的玩笑
Even if it’s just a fictional joke

此時此刻 能
At this moment, I can

Say love unreservedly

你是誰 或許都無關
Who you are might not be relevant

this moment is all that matters

痛快告白 痛快轉身
Confess to the fullest, turn around decisively,

Be bold unreservedly

與你相遇的那瞬間 平視著愛
The moment we met, we share a mutual vision of love

somewhere, sometime

with you

Someday, somewhere

已經不為奇蹟 而存在
It exists without miracles

我想要 最好的愛情
I want the best kind of love

哪怕是 虛構的玩笑
Even if it’s just a fictional joke

此時此刻 能
At this moment, I can

Say love unreservedly

你是誰 或許都無關
Who you are might not be relevant

this moment is all that matters

痛快告白 痛快轉身
Confess to the fullest, turn around decisively,

Be bold unreservedly

與你相遇的那瞬間 平視著愛
The moment we met, we share a mutual vision of love

somewhere, sometime

with you

可不可能 先不想永恆
Perhaps, let’s set aside thoughts of eternity

I will be there for you OH~

繁星點點 我會認得
Countless stars, I will recognize

此時此刻 OH~
At this moment

我和你 結局好與壞
You and I, regardless of the ending

this moment is all that matters

痛快告白 痛快轉身
Confess to the fullest, turn around decisively,


Be bold unreservedly

心意相通的這瞬間 我找回愛
In this moment of heart-to-heart connection, I rediscovered love

somewhere, sometime

with you

Lyrics by Chih Jen 任遲 and Jolin Tsai 蔡依林
Composed by Richard Craker and Jolin Tsai 蔡依林
Arranged by Jie Lin 林頡 and Richard Craker
Produced by Howe Chen陳君豪 and Jolin Tsai 蔡依林

Jolin Tsai – Untitled 《親愛的對象》Lyrics English Translation

Untitled by Jolin Tsai OUT NOW!


Jolin Tsai has released her new single, Untitled #親愛的對象 for the movie, Marry My Dead Body #關於我和鬼變成家人的那件事.

Jolin Tsai Untitled Lyrics English Translation

有些事 太固執

Sometimes, it’s too stubborn

也許是 在等你 推翻 解答

Maybe I’m waiting for you to overturn, to answer


how unusual

我 也放棄線索 預設立場

I’ve given up the clues, the presumptions

沒對錯 又怎樣

There’s no right or wrong, so what

好在我們 從不必說明

It’s a good thing we never need to explain

什麼關係 都沒關係

No matter what relationship, it doesn’t matter

很單純 很嚮往

Very simple, very longing

尋找親愛的對象 本質一樣

to look for my dearest partner, essentially the same

真的存在 這種感情

This relationship does exist

依賴沒必要 再小心翼翼

Don’t need to rely on it. Be more careful


you’ll have a way to catch me

我去哪裡飛翔 你都會在場

Wherever I fly, you’ll be there


Because of the difference

才能從理解中 感覺 更熟悉

The feeling is more familiar through the understanding

在歲月留下 溫柔回憶

All the gentle memories are left behind all those years

試探 想沿著 時間線的推移

Prying, trying to follow the passage of time

好或壞 都待續

Good or bad, to be continued

好在我們 從不必說明

It’s a good thing we never need to explain

什麼關係 都沒關係

No matter what relationship, it doesn’t matter

很單純 很嚮往

Very simple, very longing

尋找親愛的對象 本質一樣

to look for my dearest partner, essentially the same

真的存在 這種感情

This relationship does exist

依賴沒必要 再小心翼翼

Don’t need to rely on it. Be more careful


you’ll have a way to catch me

我去哪裡飛翔 而你都會在場

Wherever I fly, you’ll be there


Having been hurt by someone


An unfortunate time

在消散之前 就用愛原諒

Forgive with love before it dissipates


The wish that you lost

我陪你 一起學不會放下

I’ll be with you, learning together to not let go


We’ll learn to hope instead

最後我們 像家人貼近

In the end, we’re close like family

能給的關心 不只關心

The care that I give is more than that

不約定 不勉強

No promise no pressure

這種親愛的對象 彷彿更理想

This kind of beloved partner seems more ideal

對的人可能 成為伴侶

The right person may become a life partner.

或關於你我 擁有了默契

It’s about you and me, we have a strong connection


I have a way to find you

你去哪裡飛翔 我都會到場

Wherever you fly, I’ll be there

最後我們 像家人貼近

In the end, we’re close like family

能給的關心 不只關心

The care that I give is more than that

不約定 不勉強

No promise no pressure

這種親愛的對象 彷彿更理想

This kind of beloved partner seems more ideal

對的人可能 成為伴侶

The right person may become a life partner.

或關於你我 擁有了默契

It’s about you and me, we have a strong connection

陪伴是 我們擅長

Being there for each other is what we’re good at

我的生命 少不了你 在場

Your presence is an indispensable part of my life

Lyrics by Vison Chen 陳學聖 and David Ke 葛大為
Melody by Jolin Tsai 蔡依林 and Kay Liu 劉家凱
Arrange by Jie Lin 林頡 and Howe Chen陳君豪

Jolin Tsai – Equal In The Darkness Mandarin version 《都沒差》Lyrics English Translation


Oh my love
Remove your shell
Reveal your natural colour
It is all acceptable

Maybe you’re scared
fear of not getting accepted
That’s why you’re hiding

You and me
In the darkness

We’re equally fragile
Pulling ourselves

We’re both insecure
fear of not being loved
dare not to have expectations

We all need somebody to hold
We’re just people in the darkness
Equal in the darkness

The things that we can’t see
Are the most beautiful, beautiful to me

We all need somebody to hold
We’re just people in the darkness
Equal in the darkness
People in the darkness
Equal in the darkness
People in the darkness
Equal in the darkness

Standing under the spotlight
Shout out what’s in your heart
Keep your chin up

Those that can’t be caught
Think of it as a dream anyway
Why not

Oh my love
You have me

We’re both insecure
fear of not being loved
dare not to have expectations

We all need somebody to hold
We’re just people in the darkness
Equal in the darkness

The things that we can’t see
Are the most beautiful, beautiful to me

We all need somebody to hold
We’re just people in the darkness
Equal in the darkness
People in the darkness
Equal in the darkness
People in the darkness
Equal in the darkness

I know you want to feel safe
Hiding is not your natural habit
You’ve been hurt before

要再勇敢 再多一點
Be brave and a little bit more
Everybody tries to take risks
everyone experiences stumble and falls

With bravery, vulnerability and anxiety
Learn to love and be loved
We’re the same

We all need somebody to hold
We’re just people in the darkness
Equal in the darkness
People in the darkness
Equal in the darkness

The mandarin title of the song 《都沒差》means “it’s all right”, literally means “no difference”.

UGLY BEAUTY Tour in Taipei 2 – DAY 1

After 1.5 years, Jolin Tsai Ugly Beauty Tour is back in Taipei! She surprises the fans with her new opening look, she was wearing a silver gladiator look with a cape and mesh suit. The opening outfit, headpieces and other accessories weigh more than 8kg. She reminded her fans to wear their mask while singing. After performing The Spirit of the Knight, she yelled, “Who’s getting itchy? Who wants to get their head chopped by me again? Are you looking for trouble?”. When she was performing Bravo Lover, she asked her fans to stand up, “My love, y’all are looking great tonight.”

There’s an update on her wardrobe for the tour this time! She has added 6 new looks by her stylists including “kawaii candy barbie look”, “iconic double-sided muse”, “crystal-fringes cabaret singer from Moulin Rouge, Paris”, “energetic dancer”, “androgynous pink suit” and the opening “silver gladiator look”. All of the new outfits are imported from LA, the budget for the 6 outfits exceeds 4milion NTD. 

Jolin laughed, “I didn’t plan to open that many shows. It’s fine, I’ve been training my throat.”

Before performing Say Love You and Fantasy, she confessed, “I wanna say, I love y’all.”.

Stars Align is performed for the first time tonight during the concert, Jolin gives us a dance performance which include Voguing and floorwork. Due to the complex hand gestures and rhythmic moves, her knees were bruised and she had to wear knee pads for practice. Surprisingly, it’s Jolin herself who asks the choreographer to add floorwork moves into the choreography. She said, “I wanna learn break dance for a long time and the music arrangement of this song is very suitable. ” She is super tired after the dance practice.

Jolin Tsai also performed 2 songs from other artists. She covers Eric Zhou’s The Distance of Love (以後別做朋友) and Waa Wei’s Only You (你啊你啊).

There’s an Easter egg in the Ugly Beauty merch. “If you`re reading this, I want you to remember you`re beautiful” is printed on the anti-counterfeit label underneath the “Ugly Beauty neon logo black tee” and the face masks.

▲ 蔡依林送給粉絲的口罩寫下暖心字句。(圖/記者翁子涵攝)



UGLY BEAUTY Tour in Kaohsiung – Day 1

HQ Pics:

11 months later, Jolin Tsai Ugly Beauty Tour is back in Kaohsiung, she will be performing 6 shows in 2 weekends, her last concert in Kaohsiung was 7 years ago. 6 shows have been sold out and contributed 160 million NTD. The hotels around K-Arena have been 90% booked and brings income to Kaohsiung tourism. She arrived 5 days earlier at Kaohsiung for rehearsal. Before going to Kaohsiung, she has practised her steps at home. Her working mode is on after entering the arena and she felt stressful. Jolin’s manager revealed that she was quite nervous because she hasn’t performed since the last concert in Taipei this year. She hasn’t danced in high heels for a long time and her leg was cramp when practising. She laughed and said, “I planned to bring my swimsuit and have a sunbath at the hotel’s top floor. I also wanna have a 1 day trip during my free time. However, I was so tired that I didn’t leave the hotel after finish practising”. Her manager also thought that the rehearsal during the last 5 days will be very chill, they even search for the best food around there. But once the perfectionist Jolin starts rehearsing, she couldn’t stop. She paid full attention to all the details. Thus, the rehearsal is getting longer each day. 

During the opening, she lands on the stage with a custom made “crown of evil” prop from 7-storey height. She crowned the giant head prop with a crown which is specially ordered from the US, it costs up to 200k USD (around 6 million NTD). After performing The Spirit of Knight, Jolin greeted her fans, “After 1 year, are you here to let me shave your head? Do you like the devil? Let me give you some troubles!” Before performing Bravo Lover, she said, “Are your throats ready? Y’all haven’t performed yet? I can throw you the mic”. She invited everyone to wave the axe-lightstick and screamed, “My lovers are going to chop me with the axe right? Did you went for training?”

After performing Hubby, she said, “Do I look different? This is our first meeting after a year. This is also my first time to perform after a year. I misunderstood y’all as y’all are wearing a mask and the screaming might sound soft. It’s for your health, but please scream louder? It’s very lucky to meet y’all.” She also added, “Y’all know how to sing my song? Is 1 year time of practice enough? Let me hear you sing.”

The singer discussed her feelings after performing Rewind. She feels damn good at the age of 40, “I took a lot of rest this year. I’m 40 now, it’s a great age. If you’re not 40 yet, let me tell you it feels damn good.“ She didn’t worry about her age, she knows what she wants. Jolin would want to do live broadcast during her 21st anniversary of career debut. Her manager asked whether she wants to perform any talent. She replied, “Do I really need to have a talent to do live broadcast?”. She also joked that she doesn’t want to sing anymore and wanted to flee with all the money. She cheekily said, “I never thought you still want to see me so much.”. She also panicked due to the lack of business, “I was panicked at first, I felt like I need to do something like exercising, baking. Then, I discovered that I’m tensed easily because I’ve been used to the busyness. After this show, I felt like I don’t need to have a talent to do live broadcast. Maybe I’ll broadcast me lying down at home.”

She shared with her fans her feelings during the first rehearsal which the audience wasn’t there, “I’m not the same as before. I enjoy listening to music on stage by myself. I feel lucky when I’m able to drag my exhausted body to the stage and found out that I still have the opportunity to sing and perform. Thank you for your continued support. No matter how badly I sing, you’re always there. I’ll try my best to give you the best show because y’all deserve it.”

Jolin has purposely practised a few Taiwanese songs that she listened frequently to treat her fans from the south of Taiwan. She will be performing different Taiwanese song during each of the concerts. The easter egg of the night is when she performed Mayday’s Peter & Mary (志明與春嬌) today! When the intro was played, the fans thought Mayday is performing. She spoke in Taiwanese, “Did I perform well? It’s been so long since I speak in Taiwanese but I still managed to sing it fluently. I want to have something little different every day.” She also thanked her fans for coming to the show. She was wearing a new costume, a dress with purple fringes and deep v-cut in Act V: DISCLOSURE.

She has prepared 13 costumes for the concert in Taipei. She added 5 more looks for the concert this time, including ‘pastel ugly beauty barbie look’, ‘retro hippie look embellished with purplish fringes’, ‘road-racing neon look’, ‘bold artsy elf look’ and ‘neon yellow and green suit’. 


1Necessary Evil
2Sweet Guilty Pleasure
3Spirit of The Knight
4Ms Trouble
5Lady in Red
6Honey Trap
8Agent J
9Real Man + Mr Q
10Bravo Lover
11The great artist
12J-game + 36 Tricks of Love
13Overlooking Purposely
14I’m Not Yours
15Sun Will Never Set + Don’t Stop
17Say Love You
21Vulnerability + Sky
22The Smell of Lemon Grass
23Fear-Free + Pretence + Priceless + I Know You Are Sad + Compromise
24Peter & Mary (志明與春嬌)
25Life Sucks + Prague square + Love Love Love
26Dancing Diva
27Dr. Jolin
28Magic/72 changes
31Ugly Beauty

Reactions on Fight As One

Trigger Warning: This article may include certain political views that you might not agree with. It also includes harsh criticism from the netizens. I’m trying to elaborate more on the whys and the background behind this matter and you’re free to agree or disagree with me.

Jolin Tsai has received a lot of backlashes mainly in Taiwan since the release of the anti-epidemic charity song, “Fight As One”. The whole song is in English and it’s performed by Jolin Tsai and Eason Chan. Produced by Yunnan Television and Radio, this song is aimed to show the support for those front-liners who’re fighting the COVID-19. It also has a Mandarin version performed by Cai Xukun and Tong Liya. Fight As One is only available on the music streaming platform in China and YouTube. The lyrics seem harmless, it indicates that we’re all in this together, every country is working together to tackle this pandemic. The music video shows montages including the front-liners around the world, some of them are showcasing their battle scars or facial imprints due to long working hours. This is also the first collaboration between Jolin and Eason on a new song. However, this song and the music video have sparked different reactions and controversies, especially among the Mandarin-speaking audience.

News: Jolin Tsai and Eason Chan’s tribute song to healthcare workers causes online furore

Reactions on Fight As One:

Reaction 1

This song is like any other common charity song that’s raising awareness and expressing gratitude. It’s not controversial at all. The message of the song and music video is positive, warm and touching. According to Jolin’s manager, she is touched by the lyrics and she accepted the invitation to sing this song.

Reaction 2

This song and the music video serves as propaganda from CCP to furbish their international image. Jolin was being accused of helping CCP to promote CCP’s image during this pandemic. For example, some part of the lyrics looks fishy, the current situation is not good at all.

It’s really not that bad if you think about it

For once the world has come together

Could’ve been much worse, you think about it

At least we’re not fighting one another

There is an official Mandarin translation for the lyrics and it’s way more subtle compared to the English lyrics.





In the music video, the video shows a montage of some children (at 2:37) from various countries, were carrying signs that thank and praise China on combating this pandemic. After tracking the images, the images are mainly from Chinese media published in February. The news is about children from South America are supporting China’s effort. The children are from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, El Salvador etc.

Some pictures were published on the media during February.

Some of the netizens also responded sarcastically that while most of the countries are fighting the pandemic together as one but there is a country which is fighting alone as one. Taiwan is excluded from WHO participation because WHO refuses to recognize Taiwan as a sovereign state due to CCP’s objections.

The whole song is in English, the singers are from 🇹🇼 and 🇭🇰, the video features diverse people from foreign countries and children were holding signs. People might be hard to observe the propaganda behind this, it seems like a common universal charity project but the video includes China’s flag and messages supporting China. Cross-Strait relations between Taiwan and (Mainland) China has always been sensitive. China is deemed as the country where Covid-19 is first identified back in November 2019, some people are being skeptical on CCP’s effort in tackling the pandemic including Taiwanese netizens. As a result, Taiwanese netizens are furious and bashing Jolin after finding out she, as a Taiwanese, was participating in this project.

Reaction 3

There are some netizens pointed out that Yunnan Television and Radio is the producer of this project, it’s unfair to criticize and accusing Jolin of promoting the propaganda based on the montage in the music video. Jolin and her team might not aware of the details especially the visual part because Jolin only contributed her voice and the lyric is neutral. Jolin’s team has no control in inserting the scenes of Taiwan’s front-liners in this project.

3 days after the release of Fight As One, Jolin has responded on Facebook.

She said,

“I feel small (insignificant) at this moment.

No matter how the narrative about Jolin Tsai will be described and shaped in the future, I’d like to thank you deeply. In my limited performing career, I thank you for helping me and never gave up on accompanying me.

Perhaps, you no longer need me someday, and you don’t remember me anymore, I believe that it’s a gift that I should accept in my life.

Before that, I’ll definitely live harder, laugh harder, cry harder and sing harder for Jolin Tsai….. Thank you for showing up in the fragments of my life.

May you still remember to sing for your own life.”

Reactions on her response:

Reaction 1

Taiwanese netizens who are not satisfied with Jolin’s involvement in the project think that her response did not justify her stand. She is not small at all, there’re artists who’re blacklisted for speaking up. Jolin has always been an icon in Taiwan for speaking up about political issues like feminism, gender equality and marriage equality but she is quite selective in choosing the topics that she gonna speak up. She was being teased for not able to voice out about her homeland, Taiwan when Taiwan is treated unfairly by the world and CCP especially during this pandemic. In their opinion, Jolin did not publicly encourage Taiwanese citizens and front-liners who did not receive any help from WHO in combating the pandemic but she was promoting this project which deemed as propaganda from China. People are comparing her with international famous figures like Bill Gates and Barbra Streisand who praises Taiwan’s performance. Saying that, she might lose her source of income for supporting Taiwan’s healthcare and effort in fighting the pandemic publicly.

Some added it is impossible to differentiate music/artist from politics because some of her songs are inspired by the political issues as mentioned. It’d be hypocritical for an artist who supports equality but ignore basic human’s right and freedom of speech. Some believe that Jolin and her team were not manipulated, they have made the choice and aware of the purpose of the project, they have to sow what they reap.

Reaction 2

Some netizens support her and think that this response is sufficient. Jolin and her team have always been careful to not cross over the line. The lyric itself is neutral and did not mention the pandemic specifically. It’s a charity song and also a chance for her to collaborate with Eason. Jolin is contributing her voice but she wouldn’t know how the music video is gonna be like. We as the outsiders would not know the real situation and not sure if there is someone framed her to this. Jolin loves Taiwan and she has always been doing charity in Taiwan every year, supporting local film and participating in local award shows. She is Taiwan’s pride and she forever will be.

As a Mandopop artist, she is at her peak and she is “rich enough”. She doesn’t need to promote the sensitive propaganda for an authority for money. The cross-Strait relation is highly sensitive as always, it’s not fair to ask her to “solve the issues” when the politicians from both sides couldn’t “solve the issues” for decades.

—The reactions above are collected based on the comments/critics from Taiwanese netizens and KOL that I’ve read online from Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.—

My personal feelings about this,

Trigger warning: There is always an ugly side and a beauty side…

It’s painful to see her getting such backlashes recently and I bet she is not feeling great at all. I know she is not perfect and she is bounded by so many restrictions. In this case, I choose to believe that she and her team might not fully aware of the whole project. The project is totally fishy due to the lyrics, montage and producer. It’s highly controversial and causing backlashes by no means. This is one of the perks of being Taiwanese artists when they fail to balance out the political sensitivity. I trust Jolin and her team that they would not get involved in the project that hurts Taiwanese feelings. Her response did not defend herself either, it sounds like she is giving up on explaining.

Everything is about business and we all know which market is the biggest. As a fan, I don’t expect Jolin to pick a side because it will affect not only her career but the whole company as well. I have my own values and political views. There is a potential that we might not share the same views. When the cat is out of the bag, I guess I’ll leave the chat.

Before that really happens, I’d still support her like my family members. Life has its ups and downs and we as the fans will face it with her together.

If you’re reading this, I think we all love Jolin Tsai for various reasons.
I love her because she keeps improving and evolving. She has a different character for every era and she is just getting better and better. Jolin Tsai is my idol and she inspires me through her artworks and her words of wisdom. It might be superficial and everything can be crafted but I can feel the sincerity from her performances and her speeches. I love when she was talking about empowerment and equality because I’m so glad to have an idol who share the same values as mine. It’s precious to see an artist like her to speak for the society. I sincerely hope she would continuously stand up for what’s right.

There is an elephant in the room and I hope one day we all can discuss about it without any worries and consequences faced.

7.48pm 8/4/2020 (GMT+8) Update:
In my opinion, she is not right in this matter. About her response, she is not small (insignificant) at all in Taiwanese’s eyes, she is an A-list pop star. She was having high expectation from the Taiwanese on voicing out about the elephant in the room but she stays in the grey area. This will not satisfy people from black area and white area.

Jolinmuse is just a fan page and it’s not affiliated with or endorsed by Jolin Tsai, her band, her agency, her management or any member of her official team.


It’s the 6th show of the UGLY BEAUTY tour in Taipei and also the end of the first leg of the tour. After performing Spirit of the Knight, she screamed, “It’s the last day, I want to collect my heads, how many heads are there today? Are you prepared to let me cut your head and give you some troubles?”. During Act III Unhinge, Jolin was wearing an artistic hat and become a shiny muse goddess. She and 16 dancers were dancing at The Great Artist inside a neon display shelf, wearing black and white stripes outfit with irregular shape.

Mayday is the guest performer of the night, they performed Sky and This is Love 愛情的模樣 (by Mayday). They were discussing about Jolin’s outfit from the other segment. When Sky was played, Mayday showed up. Ashin (Mayday lead singer) seems to be stunned by Jolin because his response was delayed. Jolin thanked them for coming because they just finished their concert yesterday, “We’re always so close yet feeling like strangers, are you trying to hold my hands just now or…? I didn’t catch it. Y’all must be tired, just finished your concert yesterday.” Ashin replied, “It’s my pleasure. After my show, I’ll scroll Instagram to check out princess (Jolin)’s look.” Jolin added, “What about today?” Ashin replied, “Like it, very like it.” Monster (Mayday guitarist) replied, “It’s so bling, my eyes have photophobia.” Jolin added, “Y’all said my outfit is very revealing, did you look at my hip bone area? My upper part is covered and the hip bone area is revealing, it’s trendy and different than last time.” Monster replied the frightening level is high. Ashin added, “I love the Frozen feeling outfit, feel like wanting to wind up the clockwork at the back.” Jolin replied, “Then, you should come up earlier.” Ashin replied,”I’d come if there’s a show tomorrow.” Ashin also said the outfit from Act II is hot, “Luckily, I’m not showing up during the segment, if not my voice will be different than usual.” Jolin replied, “Do you want to see the XX (pasties) or undies.” Then they walked to the extension stage and performed This is Love, they even hold each others’ hand when performing.

The Smell of Lemon Grass and announcement of added shows

She said, “Tonight is the last show, I want to sing more for y’all. Humans are strange, I was looking forward to the final show during the first show and I hope the last show will never end. Today’s song include all of our memories, I hope I can listen to your good performance.” The fans were screaming. Jolin also announced more shows added to Kaohsiung stop, 9 and 10 May 2019. The shows on 15, 16 and 17 May which were announced earlier are sold out.

The celebs who attend the last show in Taipei are Jimmy Lin, Po-chieh Wang (Lady in Red), Claire Kuo, Rene Liu, Emma Wu, Selina Jen, OSN, Eve Ai, Show Lo, Shu Qi, Chi-ling Lin and her husband Akira and others.

Track list.


42 songs.

Tonight is the fifth show of UGLY BEAUTY World Tour in Taipei. During Act II UNCONSCIOUS DESIRE, She was dressed as a “Bloody Red Queen”, she was wearing a tight corset and improved kimono. Under the tulle, you can see the cross-shape pasties at the bra top. After performing Knight of the spirit, she said, “the psycho killer is coming, where’s your axe? Hit your head with it and tell me who do you wanna see today? Do you want me to give you some troubles?” Then, she performed Miss Trouble.

Act II is the sexiest segment during the concert, Jolin came out riding a giant black scorpion, she performed Lady in Red, Medusa, Agent J and others. She also has a lot of “exercise” with the dancers above the big heart-shaped bed. The messages that Jolin wants to send is she wants to face your own inner pleasure, which is part of the Ugly Beauty. To make sure everyone can clearly see the dances, she was rocking a 10cm high heels, dancing on a bed which is 15 degree tilted. She needs to make sure the dance and balance are on point which makes her very careful even during the rehearsal. There’s also the S&M elements where she was being tie by the red ropes.

Finally, she shot the screen with her diamond machine gun and the screen was showing “BITCH”. It requires a lot of strength because the gun embedded with 10000 rhinestones weights 5 kg. She was like lifting a dumbbell during the rehearsal. Besides, she also has a small pistol embedded with 3000 rhinestones. When she was performing Bravo Lover, she was hung on the red ropes which is 5 storeys high, the ropes were embedded with 8500 rhinestones. 

During this tour, she needs to raise three times, the most dangerous moment is during the opening when she is hung up 7 storeys high. She was sitting on a swing and performing Necessary Evil. She has been insured for 50 million NTD. 

After performing Rewind, she laughed, “Tonight is the fifth show, did any of you watch all the 5 shows? Not much. First time watching? That’s great! When the 20th anniversary video was played, I have read a lot of reactions from y’all. You said, ‘Sis you’re so great, you have given me a lot of strength’. Sometimes, I also have the confusing moments. We encourage each other. When I’m scared, I will also want to listen to some encouragement.” She added, “I’m not that strong as you think when I’m on the stage, I make mistakes and I hope no one sees it. I’d feel lost like y’all. But, I’ll express myself through writing diary. I’m the same as y’all, I’m nasty, evil, pervy, pure, romantic and violent. There’s a lot my emotion stories in this concert, I hope y’all can peep at yourself bravely because y’all are very great. I always tell the media that we encourage each other, you have given me a lot of encouragement. Y’all are so nice during the concert, you never use the phone to watch, you use the heart.Regardless of my performance, I want y’all to rate me 100%. The louder you sing, the more I sing.”

Before performing I, she said, “I have a special feeling today, when I sang this song, it’s unbearable. It’s a very sad song to sing by just looking at the lyrics. I’ve never thought that 4,5 years later, the future me will be appreciating herself, that’s when I know I’ve grown up. You might not have the same growing process, I want to give you this song.” Then she performed a medley of ballads including Pretense, Priceless, I Know You’re Feeling Blue and Compromise. She is satisfied, “When I passed the mic to y’all, y’all can sing very well. I’ve listened to the loud voice these past few days, I felt like I want to cry. It’s amazing, can you feel my feelings? Y’all are so great. I’d be standing right here and I hope we can thank my sugar daddies/mummies (the sponsors) together.”

Pretense, Priceless, I Know You’re Feeling Blue, Compromise


Tonight is the 4th show of Ugly Beauty World Tour in Taipei. After 1 day off, Jolin seems to be more active. Her manager revealed she had lied down at her home the whole day. After singing Spirit of the Knight, she said, “How many thousands of heads are on my hand today? Please chop me harder with my axe!”. 

During Act 4: Innocent Minds, the stage design and the props are white and more fairy tale style, it’s like a white garden with giant horse, rabbit and the dancers are dressed as snowman. 

After singing Hubby, she said, “Y’all are still in the holiday mood right? You won’t be disappointed for the next song.” When she was performing Say Love You, G.E.M rises on the stage, G.E.M said, “This song is for our queen Jolin.”. There’s a mini choreography and the ending pose is them showing finger heart.

Jolin invited G.E.M because she always met her at different occasions and shows. She though this collab is fresh. Jolin said she wanted to collab with her, she added, “You’re so tiny but your voice is so powerful.” G.E.M replied, “I was taking a selfie with Jolin at the backstage, I found out my head is twice the size of yours.” G.E.M said Say Love You is her first Jolin’s song, “When I was young… in primary school, that time you’re very young as well, the first Jolin’s song that I listened to is Say Love You. I’d be very excited when I can finish singing the whole song, there’s a part which the tempo is very fast and hard to sing.” Jolin replied, “That’s also the part that I kept forgetting.”After that, they performed G.E.M’s Light Year Away 光年之外. G.E.M was excited to be invited, “I’ve never seen her concert live but I saw her live performance during the music award show. The atmosphere and her dance are superb, I’m so excited to receive the invitation, super looking forward to this stage collaboration, I think the fans will feel surprised. My impression of her was when I was from primary school to secondary school, I always listen to her song around that time, like Do You Still Love Me, Rewind, I like Say Love You the most and it’s memorable because the lyrics are so many and tight. I have a sense of accomplishment when I can sing all the lyrics from the beginning to the end.”

When she was singing the ballads, she said, “We have strange thoughts without any exchange of words. When I was trying to seduce you, you’ll be there to “HA HA” (hinting the Agent J performance), I’d try very hard to not laugh. There’s a lot of cute axe clans under the stage. I’m quite nervous when I was on the stage, I care whether y’all felt high or bored.” She revealed that there were audience slept when she was performing. She said, “The dance-pop are not that hit back then, now everyone seems to appreciate it. During these 6 days, I’m very glad to see y’all are so hyper. Thank you for your anticipation.” Then, she performed Sky and Can’t Speak Clearly. 

She is having a good vibe, she said “My voice is very bright, that’s so cool, I want to perform a special song.” She performed ‘Greatest Love of All’ by Whitney Houston, it’s the song that helps Jolin won the singing competition organised by MTV in May 1998 when she was 18 y/o. It’s super meaningful to perform this song on her 20th-anniversary concert stage.After finish singing, she said, “You might not know this song, this is the song that I perform when I participate in the singing competition. My mum was doing my makeup and I looked so mature. I have debuted for 20 years, it’s because of this song, I stepped into this industry, it’s so weird. This is a song for y’all, don’t tell anyone. I planned to sing it on 31/12 but my voice was not stable.”

Greatest Love of All

She performed 39 songs tonight. Celebs who have attended the concert tonight are Hebe Tien, Chang Hsiao-yen, Joanne Tseng, Nana Ouyang and her sisters.