Jolin Tsai – Lady in Red 《紅衣女孩》English Translation


Lyrics: Matthew Yen

Official English lyrics translation:

Check out Jolin Tsai Lady in Red Alternate Reality Game.


[Verse 1]

[00:16.80]為什麼蒙娜莉莎 不是一頭紅髮

Why Mona Lisa’s hair isn’t red?

[00:20.27]為什麼你的咖啡 不是一杯紅茶

Why do you order coffee instead of red tea[4]?

[00:23.77]I like it red…

[00:27.07]I like it red…


[00:30.61]為什麼所有誓約 披上的是白紗

Why wearing the white veil when making a solemn vow?

[00:33.91]為什麼你的領結 不是一朵紅花

Why are you wearing a bow-tie instead of a red flower?

[00:37.36]I like it red…

[00:40.76]I like it red…


[00:44.23]藍蘋果 怎麼畫 怎麼畫

How to draw How to draw a blue apple?

[00:45.80]綠舞鞋 怎麼搭 怎麼搭

How to match How to match the green ballet shoes?

[00:47.48]黑屏幕 怎麼滑 怎麼滑

How to swipe How to swipe the black screen?

[00:49.19]欸 聽不懂 就去 玩沙

Please go to play the sand if you don’t understand what I’m sayin


[00:51.05]紅玫瑰 開了嗎 開了嗎

Has the red rose bloomed? bloomed?

[00:52.58]紅燭光 點了吧 點了吧

Is the red candle lit up? lit up?

[00:54.31]紅衣裳 髒了嗎 髒了嗎

Is the red dress dirty? dirty?

[00:55.96]欸 你害的 看我 幹嘛

Hey it’s your fault, why are you looking at me


[00:57.98]I like it red…

[01:01.23]I like it red…

[01:04.62]I like it red…

[01:07.90]I like it red…



[01:11.59]誰恨我 我加倍

Who hates me? I’ll double up

[01:14.74]誰愛我 我反饋

Who loves me? I’ll repay

[01:18.07]Love or hate 我奉陪

Love or Hate, I’ll entertain to the end

[01:21.60]My red you won’t forget.



I’m fresh blood


I’m the flame


I represent danger


[01:28.55]我是眼淚 炮紅雙眼

I’m the tears, making your eyes red

[01:30.36]The lady in red.


If my yearning/thoughts left a will

[01:35.32]我會聽見 你對紅色 偏執的偏見

I could listen to the bias you have against red

[01:38.73] oh~~

[01:56.13] wu~~

[Verse 2]

[02:09.31]為什麼鋼琴琴鍵 只能黑白交雜

Why the keys on the piano can only be black and white?

[02:12.61]為什麼投降丟的 不是紅色手帕

Why not throwing a red flag when you surrender?


[02:16.11]I like it red…

[02:19.75]I like it red…


[02:22.82]藍蘋果 怎麼畫 怎麼畫

How to draw How to draw a blue apple?

[02:24.52]綠舞鞋 怎麼搭 怎麼搭

How to match How to match the green ballet shoes?

[02:26.22]黑屏幕 怎麼滑 怎麼滑

How to swipe How to swipe the black screen?

[02:27.90]欸 聽不懂 就去 玩沙

Please go to play the sand if you don’t understand what I’m sayin


[02:29.73]紅玫瑰 開了嗎 開了嗎

Has the red rose bloomed? bloomed?

[02:31.32]紅燭光 點了吧 點了吧

Is the red candle lit up? lit up?

[02:32.96]紅衣裳 髒了嗎 髒了嗎

Is the red dress dirty? dirty?

[02:34.64]欸 你害的 看我 幹嘛

Hey it’s your fault, why are you looking at me


[02:36.45]I like it red…

[02:40.17]I like it red…

[02:43.40]I like it red…

[02:46.76]I like it red…

[02:50.09]I like it red…

[02:53.55]I like it red…


[02:56.95]為什麼PRINCE CHARMING 總是身騎白馬

Why is the Prince Charming always riding a white horse?

[03:00.24]為什麼你的啤酒 不是紅莓沙瓦

Why are you holding a beer instead of red berry sour shake?


[03:03.65]I like it red…

[03:07.02]U fucking dead



  1. The title of Lady in Red is a reference to the horror film, ‘The Tag Along’.
  2. There is a belief that if someone passed away wearing red, the soul will become a malicious evil spirit.
  3. My personal opinion, the lyric is not that terrifying and it just sounds like a lady who crazily obsessed in red.
  4. It’s actually black tea, I translated it to “red” tea to follow the themes.

Jolin Tsai – Karma 《你也有今天》English Translation

作詞:藍小邪、蔡依林、Hayley Michelle Aitken, Johan Isac Gustafsson

Lyrics: Jolin Tsai, Lan Xiao Xie, Hayley Michelle Aitken, Johan Gustafsson

Official English lyricstranslation, [Hit the CC button]





[Verse 1]


Being treated as a “monthly disposable”[1] doll by my babe


All the lies make me like the lamb to be slaughtered


When I’m on the happiest cloud nine, you kicked me down

享受嗎 享受嗎

Do you enjoy?


My heart gets exploded by your intimate hug


Getting a ruthless slap by the most tender hand


Getting bitten by the most precious lips

你值得 你值得

You’re worth it, definitely worth it


你 終於可以領會什麼叫做因果

You finally understand what is karma

你 終於可以學學你給我的一課

You finally can learn a lesson that you’ve given to me

你 總算沒有辜負我對你的祝賀

You eventually did not disappoint my “wishes” to you

終於 你也有今天

Finally, it serves you right [2]

[Verse 2]


See how the flowery butterfly turns into the queen bee


See how the sheep “anti” their predator


Check out how the teardrops reincarnated into the fist of King Kong

有趣嗎 有趣嗎

Aren’t these interesting? Interesting right?


你 終於可以領會什麼叫做因果

You finally understand what is karma

你 終於可以學學你給我的一課

You finally can learn a lesson that you’ve taught me before

你 總算沒有辜負我對你的祝賀

You eventually did not disappoint my “wishes” to you

終於 你也有今天

Finally, it serves you right


你那麼會 讓人死心

You’re so good at letting me give up

這點心痛 利息都不夠

These bits of heartache, the interest (debt) is not enough to pay

你且等著 命運的幽默

We’ll see, the humour of destiny


Still water runs long


你 終於可以證明世上真有因果

You finally can prove that karma exists

你 終於可以做做你給我的惡夢

You finally can have the nightmares you gave to me

你 千萬不要辜負我對你的祝賀

Please don’t disappoint my “wishes” to you

祝你 年年有今天

Wishing you have the same day every year[3]!


Have the same day every year!


Have the same day every year!


1. “月拋” means “monthly disposable”. It also sounds like “hook up/booty call” in the song. To spice things up and totally make sense, this line also can mean you treat me as a “hook up doll”.

2. Song title “你也有今天” direct translate means “you also have today”. I’ve translated it into it serves you right. In Mandarin, we will say “you also have today” when a bad thing has happened to a person (ex, enemies, the person you hate) and that they deserve.

3. “Have the same day every year” is the wishes we give to others when they are celebrating Birthday.

4. “Wishes” here refer to curses.

Jolin Tsai – Womxnly 《玫瑰少年》English Translation

Lyrics: Ashin (Mayday), Yiru Chen, Jolin Tsai

Official Lyrics Translation is here,

[Verse 1]
誰把誰的靈魂 裝進誰的身體?
Who inserted this soul into this body?
誰把誰的身體 變成囹圄囚禁自己
Who made this body become a prison that confines him/herself?
亂世總是最 不缺耳語
Whispers always appear in these troubled times
哪種美麗會 喚來妒忌
What kind of beauty will attract jealousy
你並沒有罪 有罪是這世界
The world is sinful, you’re not

[Pre Chorus]
You born as a human, you’re not guilty
You don’t need to be sorry
One day I will be your baby boy, and you gon’ be me

If we can’t stop the noise
Let me accompany you to stay silent
I wish I could hug you, till you’re really really being free

哪朵玫瑰 沒有荊棘?
Which roses don’t have the thorns?
最好的 報復是 美麗
The best revenge is to stay beautiful.
最美的 盛開是 反擊
The most beautiful bloom is when you start fighting back!

別讓誰去 改變了你
Don’t let somebody else change yourself
你是你 或是妳 都行
You are him or her[2], it’s fine
會有人 全心的 愛你
There will be someone who loves you wholeheartedly

[Verse 2]
試著想像 you switched to his body
Try to imagine when ‘you switched to his body’
sexuality 當心 什麼會傷你
Sexuality, be careful what will hurt you
多少次的重傷 多少次的冷語
How many times of severe wounds, many times of cold-shoulders
drowning 誰會拉你 dreaming 誰會陪你
Who will save you when you’re drowning, who will stay with you when you’re dreaming

Same shit happens every day.
你離開後 世界可改變?
Did the world change when you left?
多少無知罪愆 事過不境遷
So many sins caused by ignorance, the incident has passed but we must not move on
永誌不忘記念 往事不如煙
Never ever forget about Yung-Chih[3], the past will not go with the wind.

[Pre Chorus]
You born as a human, you’re not guilty
You don’t need to be sorry
One day I will be your baby boy, and you gon’ be me

If we can’t stop the noise
Let me accompany you to stay silent
I wish I could hug you, till you’re really really being free

哪朵玫瑰 沒有荊棘?
Which roses don’t have the thorns?
最好的 報復是 美麗
The best revenge is to stay beautiful.
最美的 盛開是 反擊
The most beautiful bloom is when you start fighting back!

別讓誰去 改變了你
Don’t let somebody else change yourself
你是你 或是妳 都行
You are him or her, it’s fine
會有人 全心的 愛你
There will be someone who loves you wholeheartedly

玫瑰少年 在我心裡
Rose boy[4] is in my heart
綻放著 鮮豔的 傳奇
Keep blooming with the vivid legend
我們都 從來沒 忘記
We will never ever forget

你的控訴 沒有聲音
You complain in silent
卻傾訴 更多的 真理
But a lot of truth has been confessed
卻喚醒 無數的 真心
Awaken numerous of genuine heart


1. The title in Mandarin is 《玫瑰少年》direct translate means Rose Teen. Rose Teen or Rose Boy refers to Yeh Yung-chih. Jolin Tsai has shared a moving story during her PLAY Tour, this is the clip to learn more about his background, English subs available

2. ‘你是你 或是妳 都行’ direct translation is ‘you are you or you, it’s fine’. The difference here is ‘you’ refers to male or female. It means you are male or female, it doesn’t matter.

3/4. Here’s an article about Yung-chih,

Jolin Tsai – Necessary Evil 《惡之必要》English Translation

Lyrics: the late Wei Jing Lee, Razor Chiang

[Verse 1]
不想是完美 崇拜我表面
Don’t think, then it’s perfect, adore my outer-side
不曾出惡言 受傷含冤也從不抱怨
Never disses someone, never complain even I was hurt and innocent
我曾以為 完美小姐 下個進階
I thought that Ms Perfect is my next stage
I can achieve it once I grit my teeth
Receive the love and it’s not unconditional

內在的房間 陰暗的空間
The room in my heart, it’s a dark space
偶爾產生的邪惡 也要握手或者和他親吻
The devil born in coincidence, I’ll have to shake his hand or kiss him
Don’t need to blame yourself if you have negative and dark thoughts
I’m thirsty for love, outspoken, I chant in a low voice with tears, regardless positive or negative, kind or evil, right or wrong

我的惡 我的罪 受了傷也從不抱 怨要準備訓練自己
My evil, my sin, I never complain even I’m being hurt because I’m training myself
社會流行口 號正面力量根本 髒話 而已
The motivational positive energy which is popular in the society is utter bullshit
惡裡 暗中 激情 忌妒擁抱自己內在不 足
Under the evil, the jealousy is secretly embracing my inner weakness
人們不讓自己痛苦只想與 正面思 考相處
People are not willing to let themselves suffering, they only want to get along with positive thinking

I said I’m evil, therefore I am.
I’ll go bad if it’s necessary
必要的臭 臉必要凶險 必要的崩壞
Bitch face is necessary, Fierce is necessary, Breakdown is necessary
惡是說誰 罪又是誰
Who is evil? Who is sinful?
惡女是誰 我冷所以我美
Who is this bad girl? I’m cool that’s why I’m pretty.
Only me can clearly see the shape of my soul
Embrace me who not always achieve higher marks
還不夠 還不夠 不夠痛 心狠與轉身就走
Not enough, not enough, not pain enough to walk away mercilessly

[Verse 2]
一點點惡之必要 一些些壞之必要
A bit of necessary evil, a bit of necessary bad
摔了 摔 盤子喝 了喝 全都斷了斷
Throw the plate, get drunk and blackout
說了 說 天花亂 墜 淚流滿了滿
Keep exaggerating, I’m full of tears

殘忍的霸凌 蔓生的情緒 不看就不再
The bullying is cruel, the emotion is spreading, it’ll stop once you stop looking
連痛苦都不給你纏綿的權 力
Even the pain doesn’t give you the right to escape
突發走 音 先人自嘲 先人自嘲
When I’m out of tune[1], I need to be self-deprecating[2]
只想聽 你 正面思考 正面思考
Only wanna listen to your positive thinking
我的好 我的壞 這些年我不知道 原來逞強不是堅強
My strength and my weakness. All these years I didn’t know that overexert myself doesn’t mean I’m tough
容許我自己 喜歡自己不完美 帶他走 四方
Allow me to like my imperfection, bringing it to everywhere

惡裡 暗中 激情 忌妒擁抱自己內在不 足
Under the evil, the jealousy is secretly embracing my inner weakness
人們不讓自己痛苦只想與 正面思 考相處
People are not willing to let themselves suffering, they only want to get along with positive thinking

I said I’m evil, therefore I am.
I’ll go bad if it’s necessary
必要的臭 臉必要凶險 必要的崩壞
Bitch face is necessary, Fierce is necessary, Breakdown is necessary
惡是說誰 罪又是誰
Who is evil? Who is sinful?
惡女是誰 我冷所以我美
Who is the bad girl? I’m cool that’s why I’m pretty.
Only me can clearly see the shape of my soul
Embrace me who not always achieve higher marks
還不夠 還不夠 不夠痛 心狠與轉身就走
Not enough, not enough, not pain enough to walk away mercilessly

[1]She was out of tune while performing at the Golden Horse Award (Taiwan Film Awards like Oscars).

[2] She admitted it immediately and mocks herself once the netizens started to tease her.

Jolin Tsai – Ugly Beauty 《怪美的》English Translation

Update on 26 December 2018:

Official English Lyrics Translation:





Lyrics: @imqingfeng (Instagram)


Translate: @jolinmuse

[Verse 1]

垂涎的邪惡 陪我長大

The craving evilness accompany me to grow

在軟爛中生長 社會營養

Growing in the rotten, societies’ nutrients

過去坑疤的 讓我站穩了

The pitted scars from the past make me stand steadily

那些神醜的 評誰亂正的

Those ‘fuglies’, criticize who is chaotic or upright

喔 我都笑哭了

Oh~ makes me laugh until I cry


這什麼標準 急著決定適者生存

What kind of standard is this? eagerly decide the ‘Survival of the fittest’


Love me, hate me, not me

有一些 外在我 來自內在我

Some of my outer self came from my inner self


聽誰說 錯的對的

Listen to someone say, wrong or right

說 美的醜的

Saying ugly or beautiful

若問我 我看我說 我怪美的

If you ask, I’ll say I’m strangely beautiful

Na na na Na na na Na na na~

Na na na Na na na Na na na~

Na na na Na na na Na na na~

[Verse 2]

看不見我的美 是你瞎了眼

Failed to see my beauty, it’s you who are blind

稱讚的嘴臉 卻轉身吐口水

Seems like you’re praising me, turned around, you’re spitting at me


審美的世界 誰有膽說那麼絕對

In the world of judging the beauty, who have the guts to say something absolute truth

真我 假我 自我

The real me, the fake me, I, myself

看今天這個我 想要哪個我

Let’s see what kind of me that I want today


聽誰說 錯的對的

Listen to someone say, wrong or right


Saying ugly or beautiful

若問我 我看我說 我怪美的

If you ask, I’ll say I’m strangely beautiful


誰來推我一把~On to the next one

Who wants to push me On to the next one


Carrying too much moral along the way in my life makes me gasping


Let them to hurt, to think, to say, don’t care if it’s irrelevant


Getting along tactfully, the soul is pulling each other, it’s between a rock and a hard place


Consume all the positive & negative energy


Ugly or Beauty, are necessary to exist


You decide to love or hate, it’s individual preference


Reject your hypocritical hug


If you wanna live & shine, it’s necessary to respond to your inner evil


誰說 錯的對的

Who said the wrong or right


Saying beautiful or ugly


If you ask me, I’ll say I’m


Ugly beautiful












  1. 《怪美的》is Ugly Beauty’s Mandarin title.

    • 怪-(adj.) strange, weird, ugly
    • 美-(adj.)beautiful, pretty
    • 的-(adv.) -ly